Artwork from 16/7/22 - Cat and sweets

Artwork from 29/5/22 - Moisturiser cream container, clouds and moon

night cream - zoom 1

night cream

night cream - zoom 2
Artwork from 21/5/22 - Hibiscus, red ribbon and Siamese fighting fish

All Red Everything - zoom 1

All Red Everything

All Red Everything - zoom 2
Artwork from 3/4/22 - Watermelon, lime and texture

Artwork from 2/4/22 - Cigarette and flora

Artwork from 27/2/22 - Snake, knife, gun and flower

Test Print

Artwork from 28/12/20 - Waffles, whipped cream and cherries
One morning I had waffles, whipped cream and cherries for breakfast. I decided to take pictures of my meal and make them into mobile wallpapers. Back at Uni I used to make downloaded mobile wallpapers just for fun. You can find these waffle wallpapers (and other wallpapers) here.

Artwork from 23/2/21 - Rose and textures
I took pictures of wiliting roses a few years back. I decided to use them in these quick churn outs.